Efficient system integration with ainavio

Ainavio enables easy and quick integration into existing system landscapes.

Integration with pre-built Connectors

With a standardized API and a variety of connectors, we offer you the ideal solution to connect your ERP, CRM, e-commerce systems or marketplaces in a simple and future-proof way.

More Integrations

Thanks to open interfaces and existing connectors, Ainavio can be easily connected to common systems.

The logo of the software company Adobe Commerce CloudThe logo of the software company Big CommerceThe logo of the software company ShopifyThe logo of the software company SAPThe logo of the software company Shopware

These companies use the ainavio Foundation Cloud

The Logo of Galeria
"Thanks to the ainavio Foundation Cloud We were able to reduce our costs by 50% and significantly improve our article quality. We are now able to put our entire range online — even with quick product rotation. ”

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